A Global Summit where people from more than 80 countries who believe in the value of sharing and humanity openness and create positive change gather and share ideas will be held in Kenya in December this month.
Listen to the speakers from various countries about the messages of sharing and openingRefugees Exhibition
Statistics on strengthening the global governance of migration by International Organization in the UN system.Forums
Discuss findings on new homes for all refugees identified by UNHCR as needing resettlement.Workshop
Try creating opportunities for the refugees e.g Sports and in the parliamentThe future
All the respective refugees to obtain citizenship of their own choice upporn agreement.Yonchai Benkler
Berkman Professor of Enterpreneurial Legal Studoes at Havard Law School
Benkler studied common-based peer production and published his seminal book. The Wealth of Networks in 2006
Joen Gil-nam
Doctor in Psychology and Mental Health
An academia from Oxford University graduated with a doctorate in Mental health and phychology
Julia Leda
Minister of Human Rights Representing Asia in the UN board Committee
Appointed by the UN President presiding the previous change of UN cabinet on Human security matters
Layla Tretikov
Professor in Climatology and Climate Change
Studied for Climate and Climatology from The University of London and part of the Global warming research team.
Ryan Merjkey
Merjkey Professor of Enterpreneurial Legal Studoes at Havard Law School
Ryan studied common-based peer production and published his seminal book. The Wealth of Networks in 2006
Noh So-Young
Immigration and Migration Minister in the UN cabinaet
Young studied common-based peer production and published his seminal book. The Wealth of Networks in 2006